All policies and rules of assessment and promotion will be strictly followed as per CBSE guidelines issued time to time.
- Provisional admission in class XI will be granted as per the policy of the school according to CBSE guidelines .
- The last grade E is Non-Qualifying grade.
- There is no provision of re-test of any test or exam under any circumstance. If a child misses his/her nal exams due to a prolong illness or mishap in the family, re-exam can be considered at the discretion of the Principal.
- Students indulging in unfair means during any test or exam will be awarded zero in that subject. No re-test for such students. Repetition of the same will result in expulsion. They will not be eligible for any academic award or any post in the student counsel of the school.
- Answers sheets will be available for parents on PTM days only.
- Periodic Tests / Unit Tests for classes I to XII will be conducted immediately on arrival in school are the Prayers in zero periods.
It is important to track the learning progress in a child to know how well the child has learnt the concepts. Whether he needs further clarification and more practice or he can move onto the next concepts. Each child has to be assessed for various skills and attributes. Written tests are conducted by the teachers on the regular basis to judge the progress quotient of the pupil.
As you are aware, the CBSE has restored Board Examination for class X and revised assessment structure and examination from academic year 2017-18 onwards. is new scheme will bring the uniformity in the system of assessment and examination for classes IX and X in all the CBSE affiliated schools. To increase the confidence in the students to start preparing for class X Board examination when they join the upper primary stage in class VI, the CBSE has decided to implement the uniform system of assessment, examination pattern and issue of report cards for classes VI to VIII also on the similar pattern. While keeping in view the provisions of Right to education Act, 2009, the scheme for classes VI-VIII has been designed on Term Assessment basis with gradual increase in the learning assessment as the students move forward. is would prepare the students to cover the whole syllabus of the academic year and face the challenge of class X board examination would thus, ensure the ‘quality of education’.